How To Breed Birds

How To Breed Birds

About How To Breed Birds

About How To Breed Birds

This blog is to share tips and recommendations on breeding and rearing birds. This blog hopes to be a useful resource not only for a beginner but also for an experienced breeder. Just a word of warning, experienced breeders may find some of the posts to be very basic or elementary but do be tolerant to such posts remembering that you had to walk those steps yourself not too long ago, how desperate you were in finding such basic information, the trial and error methods that you had to use and the number of mistakes that you had to make to become such a knowledgeable breeder that you are today.

All the information presented here are only based on my experience and on the information I read in books and on the web. Not everything said in this blog may work for everyone and with all birds. As I believe and seen evidently, each species has its own behavioral traits and within each species, each bird has its own personality, if I can use the word ‘personality’ to refer to individual bird’s behavioral traits.


As a disclaimer, the tips and recommendations that you find in this blog should always be used at your own discretion and risk. This blog, the advices, recommendations that you find here do not replace your veterinarian in any way. It is always best to seek professional veterinarian's assistance when it comes to bird’s health, well-being and improving your bird’s breeding traits. Do use the information that you find here with great discretion. 

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